Since the Internet came along, the number of slang phrases has increased considerably.On social media sites like TikTok, it seems like new slang words are being used.”Glizzy” is an excellent example of a word that has been around for a while but has become more popular in the last few months.
The inside story
Glizzy is the name for both hot dogs and hot dog sausages.Urban Dictionary says that Glizzy can mean either a Glock or a type of gun. However, in most TikTok videos, the word Glizzy does not imply a Glock.
A video with the hashtag “Glizzy” and a man catching a “Glizzy” (a hotdog) in his mouth after it was thrown across the room has almost 2 million likes.
In another video with more than two million views, many other people try to put hotdogs in their mouths, but they don’t do as well.
What do all of these words have in common?
All of those words are slang. We’llbet that if you’re a kid, you know a lot of slang words. Even better, there is good news! Even adults use them for their gain.
Slang is a word used in casual conversation. Some analysts call them “a deliberate use of a different set of words to send social signals.” Merriam-Webster defines it as “extremely informal, nonstandard language.” We don’t just use slang words because they mean something different. People, groups, and subcultures that use them say something about what they believe and what they value.
The history of the word “slang” is fascinating. “Territory” or “turf” was first used in northern England as a dialectic word. The term was used to describe anyone who advertised and sold things in certain places. So, these salespeople’s colorful, informal language became known as “slang.”
Where did all these new slang words come from? Language changes and grows over time. People are always coming up with new words and new ways to use old ones. People find themselves in this situation when they want to find new and creative ways to say what they want to say. When people use slang, they can be funny, intelligent, surprising, friendly, or even secretive.
In the last 20 years, many slang terms came from one of three places. This can be seen in popular music, politics, and the Internet, among other things. Many slang words and phrases come from popular music, especially rap and hip hop. Lyricists have an excellent effect on music because they can think outside the box.
A lot of slang words have come about because of politics. This is mainly due to how different people feel about important issues. Because of this trend, the words snowflake awakened and triggered now mean other things because of constant fighting before, during, and after elections.
On the other hand, the Internet is likely the essential place to find slang phrases. Anyone who lives in the digital age shouldn’t be surprised by that. Because technology is always getting better, this can happen from time to time. Yolo, which means “you only get one shot at this!” has been a popular trend. The Internet is the source of more new slang terms than any other source.