The Quran and Hadith remain the ultimate sources for Islamic law. However, there is some variation in the rulings of the two main sects, Sunni and Shia. Some Sunni scholars hold that tattoos are not haram, and some Shia adherents think that getting a tattoo is permissible. Similarly, some Maliki scholars believe that getting a tattoo is not permissible, though it is not prohibited. Still, the vast majority of Sunni Muslims agree that tattoos are haram.
However, there are some differences in opinion. Some Sunni Muslims hold that tattoos are haram, or prohibited, because they change the creation of Allah. Other Shafi’i scholars argue that tattoos are permissible in Islam, as they are not permanent changes to the body. In addition, if a person has a temporary tattoo, they are permissible. In the long run, tattoos are haram, but they can be permissible.
In Egypt, artists are seeing an increase in halal tattoo customers. Samir tattooed himself three years ago to cover up scars and was surprised to find that it had grown in popularity. Since then, his business has increased by 50 percent. Tattoo artists in Cairo, such as Dalia Badr, have also noticed an increase in orders. They are getting orders from other regions of the country. He has seen an increase of 50 percent in business since the fatwa.
While the Qur’an is silent on tattoos, it does mention that pigs are forbidden. It is possible to get a henna stain, or stick-on tattoo that doesn’t include any inappropriate images. Additionally, Muslims are not required to get rid of tattoos once they convert. However, it is highly recommended to seek professional advice from a Muslim before making any major changes to your appearance.